19. September 2019
Die Lausitz und deren Entscheidungsträger stehen, im Zusammenhang mit dem begonnenen deutschen Kohleausstieg und den damit verbundenen strukturellen Veränderungsprozessen, vor existenziellen Fragen. Große Änderungen sind nichts Ungewöhnliches in der Geschichte von Regionen: nicht in Brandenburg, Deutschland, Europa oder anderswo in der Welt.
Wie gestalteten andere Entscheidungsträger ihre erfolgreichen Strukturwandelprozesse? Welche Zukunftsvisionen haben den Ausschlag gegeben, welche Interessen spielten dabei eine Rolle und welche Strategien beziehungsweise innovative Maßnahmen wurden angewendet?

Coal Exit-Metropolitan Energy Transition - CEMET
Policy 1
- Invest in strategic infrastructure to support the development of places and communities in mining affected regions and act as a catalyst for further economic growth.
Policy 2
- Develop an Economic Development Fund for mining affected communities to provide finances for projects and programs that create and/or enhance employment opportunities, improves the regional tax base or otherwise enhances quality of life for the community.
Policy 3
- Establish a skills-based transition program for the 8,000 affected coal workers in the Lusatia region.
Policy 4
- Prepare a Lake Environmental Resource Plan to capitalise on the benefits artificial lakes provide as an asset to the region and position Lusatia as a world leader in artificial lake development for mine-site rehabilitation.
Policy 5
- Establish a new narrative for Brandenburg to better capture and promote its rich and diverse regional identity in consultation with community.
Policy 6
- Commit to achieving 100% renewable energy supply for Berlin-Brandenburg by 2025.
STUDIO EARTH: Lausitz im Wandel / Lusatia in Transition
The 3-Gigawatt power plant and associated brown coal strip mines of Jänschwalde in the Brandenburg region of Lusatia near Berlin, Germany, provided the focus to envision a rehabilitated region, surrounding area and local facilities into life regenerating, prosperity enhancing, carbon sequestering, oxygen producing, biological diversity and vitality enhancing, ground and surface water rehabilitating settlements, landscape strategies and economic development programs. Collaboration and support by Green Liga, Protestant Church Community Cottbus, Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Spreewald Foundation and others.
Studio Lusatia Community Workshop
We conducted participatory design workshops with local communities, businesses, government and non-governmental organisations, to envision sustainable plans for the region of Lusatia.