Let LISD assist in your academic, professional and personal development.
We provide an innovative form of internship placement and monitoring programs that are tailored to the interests and needs of a few, carefully selected individuals each year.
Besides placement in one of our core projects on the basis of availability there is also the possibility of one of the following advanced modes:
- LISD Active Internship placement in select organisational, institutional, field or corporate settings, responding to various interests, but always actively monitored and guided by us;
- more interactive LISD Embedded Practitioner experiences whereby we place, connect and tutor exceptional candidates in a cooperative venture with the host setting;
- LISD Remote Personal Tutorials, broadly or specifically informing and guiding individual research and practical work, and/or inquiries and publications on line, by telephone and regular face-to-face meetings, on an need basis;
- LISD Reverse Internships that allow us to more intensely respond to and engage with the activities and requirements of individuals already on a career, project or mission path.
Global networking.
LEAP internships can be across a range of geographies and opportunities. e.g. in Berlin, on metropolitan and regional energy transformational issues and its massive regional transition drives away from coal dependency; in Strasbourg, around hydrological challenges; in Liechtenstein and Switzerland, on Alpine regional and eco-economical challenges; in Australia and Oceania, focused on mounting climate emergency and energy transition programs and initiatives.
LISD is also engaged in a pan-African scholarship program with eight African universities, raising funds to enable excellent and deserving students to engage in Masters Level studies in renewable energy access fields, in collaboration with the UK Carbon Trust and the UK Aid Endowed Energy Access program.
LEAP candidates are able to select from many opportunities offered by LISD, or they can propose their own project, and benefit from the direct mentorship of any expert from LISD's network.
Program partners.
LEAP is conducted in direct partnership with Trebuchet Director Sherman Teichman, and leading US universities. LEAP is advancing mentorship opportunities for US based advanced and qualified undergraduate students, including through the framework of LISD’s developing T2 Project.
LEAP Alumni.

Jessica Ostfeld
Wellesley senior Jessica Ostfeld, who assisted LISD facilitated research at the University of Strasbourg with on water use and the hydrology of groundwater-fed streams in Alsace, France.
"This week was an introduction to the subject matter, study site, and my colleagues. This summer, I will be helping Agnes Lambardche collect data for her thesis on hydrology of groundwater-fed streams in the Alsace region. Last summer, Serge Dumont noticed that these streams reached such low levels that fish and plants perished. In the nearby areas farms use groundwater during the summer to water their fields, particularly maise. Maize, or corn, does not normally grow in France, but its production has been encouraged by EU policies, such as the CAP program. These dynamics show just how complex the issue is, how it is has been shaped by local geography and commerce, regional and national agricultural goals, and international policy. University of Strasbourg PhD student Agnes Labarchede, and her advisor, Geography and Development Professor Carmen De Jong, have done a wonderful job in working with governmental agencies so that there is minimum overlap and maximum collaboration. One of the main reasons why I wanted to work with Carmen and Agnes this summer was to learn how to work with policymakers and governmental agencies to shape policy through research. Given Carmen’s previous work on artificial snow, the resulting media stories, and her success in shaping policy at her focal sites, I have hope that their research will help improve Grand Est (the French Region within which the study is taking place) water management. Over the summer, I look forward to learning from them both about successful stakeholder involvement, media relations, and how to translate complicated scientific jargon into something everybody can understand." (Jessica's blog post)

Sookrit Malik
Tufts and Fletcher alumnus Sookrit Malik founded Energeia, an Indian startup working on building smart microgrids which are cleaner, more reliable, and more cost effective.
"We are working on building smart industrial microgrids which are cleaner, more reliable and cost-effective. I think these microgrids will have a fundamental role to play in India's energy and transportation future, especially, considering the limitations of our transmission infrastructure. We have an opportunity to leapfrog here and bypass the structural and financial limitations posed by aging and inefficient infrastructure. I am also working on collecting and modeling demand level data which could provide important insights for designing these systems in an Indian context. Recently, there has also been a spike in diesel cars, buses, and trucks being converted from Diesel to CNG. I can also delve deeper into these transitions and what challenges the future of the microgrid ecosystem (integrated with e-mobility) may have in store for us." (Sookrit's current venture, Energeia)

Annie Schnitzer
Wellesley graduate Annie Schnitzer, who as a senior conducted research on Germany's transition away from coal power. Annie then received a Masters of Science in Migration Studies from Oxford, and is now with the data analytics department of Norwegian energy company Equinor.
"The internship this summer taught me to think critically and analytically, offering me an experience that cannot be found in the classroom. With Dr. Droege’s support and guidance, I even had the chance to learn about various masters programs in the field of sustainable development and urban design. It was truly a wonderful summer and I am deeply grateful for each and every moment, they are ones I will never forget." (Annie's review)

Sarpong Hammond Antwi
Sarpong Hammond Antwi, a young Ghanaian who was an MSc Energy Policy student at the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES) in Algeria when he completed an internship and fellowship at LISD, benefiting from LISD’s Remote Personal Tutorials Program. This was instrumental in Sarpong pursuing his PhD in Ireland in sustainable hydrology, after which he intends to return to his native Ghana.
For more information and to apply.
Contact us at LEAP @eurisd.org for more information or program application.